After being informed of having high cholesterol level, of the bad kind, there really is a need for diet, exercise, and weight loss in order to bring the levels down and in control. There is a specific diet which reduces saturated fats and cholesterol through weight control and physical control.
The first step is to limit the amount of total fat that you may take daily to nearly 30% of the total daily calories. 7%, or less, of those daily calories should be coming from saturated fats. Unsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol if it is used as a substitute to saturated fats. There are two main types of unsaturated fat and consist of olive, canola, fish, safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils.
A person trying dieting to control cholesterol must also make sure to lower the intake of cholesterol by at least 200mg daily. It is important to lose weight and to increase fiber into the diet. The best way to lose weight is to increase physical activity as well.
There are also certain foods which are rich and helpful in lowering cholesterol. You must increase your fiber, so you may look into oatmeal, whole grains, fruits and other types of those food items. Switching to whole grains is a very effective way of lowering cholesterol. Eating legumes, beans, and peas frequently through out the week is also effective. Soy foods such as soymilk, tofu, and soy protein are very good.
Eating a full serving of fruits and vegetables daily is another great technique to control cholesterol through diet. Eating cooked or raw garlic lowers the production of cholesterol from the liver in the body. Other foods that lower the production of cholesterol are salmon, almonds, and olive oil. Foods which contain vitamins C & E and contain natural antioxidants are important. Fruits such as broccoli, wheat germ, oranges, peanuts, strawberries, walnuts, sunflower seeds, melons, and Brussels sprout.
It has been proven that eating such items have lowered cholesterol over a period of time. The main concept is to be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits, whole grains, dry beans, and vegetables. A great way to combine it is to make certain juices with combined fruits and vegetables.
Related Posts:
* Cholesterol and Heart Disease
* What is Cholesterol
* HDL or Good Cholesterol Levels
* How metabolism is regulated by a balanced diet
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